Supersig Setup: for running and testing Supersig (M3)
You will need to get two repos setup on your local machine, Apps and Substrate Supersig Template.
1 min readFeb 22, 2023
Setup Apps
Apps is a fork of Polkadot-js/apps UI.
git clone
git checkout page-supersig-new-apps
yarn start
If you want to use docker you just need to run the command:
docker run --rm -it --name supersig-ui -e WS_URL=ws:// -p 80:80 decentration/apps:latest
you can view most of the changes made in supersig in:
Now in order to test the supersig functionality you need a chain that is running supersig, this is what we will setup next.
Setup Supersig Node Template
git clone
git checkout v0.9.28-new
cargo update
cargo build --release
./target/release/node-template --dev
Now in the apps ui, make sure to “switch” to development/local node. This is typically ``.
Voila! you should be up and running.
What to test?
Watch this video to get a feel: